
More Business

“Getting customers is important.  Keeping customers is crucial.”


There are a huge number of ways to get customers for any business.  Drawing them in and selling them really isn’t the problem.  You know where most companies fail?  They don’t serve their customers well.  The old saying is “Do a good job, and your customer will tell 3 people.  Do a bad job, and they will tell EVERYONE.”  Never was that more true in the age of the Internet, Yelp, message boards, and the like.


But how could VSI help you with serving your customers?


It all comes back to our holistic approach to improving your business.  We want to bring you customers – more than anything.  But ideally we would bring you customers that you are poised to make really, really happy.  So we’ll talk to you and find out which customers you really like to serve.  We’ll look at other data on the web – reviews, feedback – and find out what people are saying.  And we’ll gear everything – your site, your paid campaigns, your SEO – to target those customers.


So then what?  We’ll start over.  We’ll help you look at what is next.  Maybe a new product or service, maybe a change to an existing one.  We’ll find a way to focus your web marketing dollars towards getting customers who are going to be happy customers.  And we’ll keep doing that for as long as you let us.


At VSI we know that making you successful is going to make us successful too.  If we’re not getting you more customers who are happy, you’re not going to be happy with us.  It’s a partnership – and it’s our responsibility to make sure we hold up our end of the deal.


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